I have an apple tree which had (I think) a worm last year....apple maggot? The apples looked fine from the outside, but in the flesh of the fruit there might be a very small hole and inside was a "worm" or just a black thing. Although I used most of the apple for apple sauce or sliced apples, I would like to have some for just eating fresh. We are in the Cariboo so our winters can be quite cold. I did apply a dormant oil/sulphur before the buds broke but haven't sprayed since. I want to know when and with what I should spray. I have also been removing 4 of the 5 little apples in each bunch. The tree was covered with blossoms this year so this is a very tedious job. Should I leave more than one apple per bunch? Thanks for any help!
See this thread: http://www.botanicalgarden.ubc.ca/forums/showthread.php?t=24432 Thin to one apple per bunch, spaced 4-6 inches along the branch.