And, finally I find a way in! God knows this is the most complex posting system I've yet encountered. As my gardening neighbour says, "wouldn't it be nice just to be able to garden". Right now I'm feeling his pain. All I'd really like to know is when is the best time to hit the beach for kelp. One would think that winter storms would coat the sand with lots of kelp yet I've been told that late summer is the best time to claim the prize. The last time I got lucky was fall of last year, oddly with no accompanying storm. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I live in Victoria, just a few blocks from many beaches by the way. Cheers, Kim Whale.
Just after the first autumn gales would be the best. Check whether you need permission to collect any. Other people may already own harvesting rights, or it may be illegal to remove it at all, as washed-up kelp is an important component of the beach environment (helps reduce winter erosion, and supplies food for shorebirds).
Thank you Michael, So far as I know there's no restriction on gathering kelp (something few apparently do on the local beaches) but I will check. Victoria is ringed by beaches awash in logs, ocean detritus and usually lots of kelp: except of course when you go looking for it. It is a great fertilizer for anything needing a nitrogen boost. Again Thank you.