repotting Do you repot your plant when it slows or stops growing? I am finding that many of my plants have stopped growing...could this possibly mean that the pot is too small?
Re: repotting It depends on what type of plants they are, where they are growing, how large a pot they are currently in, etc. Sometimes plants will cease to grow because they are repotted into a larger container.
Thanx Thanx L.Plant...Your great help....I love my plants, I have a huge variety and seem to have the magical touch..Nice to know there are people out there that can help!
Repot before roots come out of drain holes. Avoid circling and matting of roots. Plants being kept in small containers long term, like bonsai have their roots pruned when repotting.
Sometimes they stop growing because they take a little rest (and should be watered less often) - it may seem like the wrong time of year for it, but if they were 'forced' at some grower's (like azaleas are to bloom at Easter), their seasonal cycles are all mixed up, so they rest even while other plants are just blooming now.