To what temperature is it safe to leave my ripening tomatoes on the plant. They taste so much better vine-ripened, I don't want to bring them in any sooner than I have to. Last night it got down to 3 degrees Celsius.
i don't know what that is in farenheit. any temps that are comparable to your refridgerator is the time to bring them in (actually a bit before it's that cold). they'll still ripen if you leave them on your counter (don't put in fridge as that will stop them from ripening).
3 degrees could bring frost. You better either harvest the tomatoes and ripen them indoors or if you think some more good weather will still come around, cover the plants on cold nights to protect them.
The least frost on the tomatoes will destroy the fruit. If a frost hits don't even think of ripening them indoors. They will all rot. You may salvage a few if you eat them within a few days after a frost.