I have a filbet tree that the squirls are going crazy in right now. I am not sure when they are ready to start picking. They are still green and not brown, but if I wait until they are brown, I am sure there will be none left. Can any one tell me when its safe to start picking them from the tree?
At least another month and a half yet till they are ripe. Is there any way you can net the tree to keep the squirrels off?
We pick our filberts a bit green (but not yet, we'll wait at least until September). If we wait until they are brown and dropping, the jays have taken them all. Our test is to see if the nuts will turn inside the husk with out much force. Then we pick them, and put them in our sun room to dry. They taste as good as if we left them on the tree. If you have squirrels raiding the tree now, you probably need to net the trees. Or wrap the trunk with a piece of sheet metal that is too slick for the squirrels to climb across.
No way to net it off. I take the hose and spray them trying to get them out, but it does not make them move.