Hi, I've been growing my squash indoors under lights for about 8 weeks or so now... and they've been doing well... and then I planted them outside in my garden and all the leaves started to turn brown along the edges.... and start to move inward destroying the leaves... any ideas of what might be possibly wrong would be VERY helpful! They are black beauty zucchini and Table queen Acorn.... Thanks in advance!
What's the mulch? Mulches such as straw & some other uncomposted plant materials may infect plants with fungal diseases. This is compounded by wet conditions. I don't use them any more. Push the mulch back away from the plant, run them drier, don't get the tops wet, snip off infected material & dispose of it carefully. Just my suggestions - that's what I'd do.
Probably sunscald. The sun is much stronger than most indoor lighting unless you're running high power sodiums and metal halides. Give them a week or two and they should be fine. They'll send up new leaves that won't have any damage.
great! Thanks both of you for the suggestions.... I will try both, pulling back the mulch s well as just letting them chill out for a bit.... I kinda think the sunscald may be on the right path... as I just transplanted some tomatoes and peppers and got a similar issue of leaves turning very yellow..... But I will remove the straw mulch as well and hopefully between the 2 things my plants will come back full of life.... Thanks again!
By the way, an insulating mulch like straw is not recommended for warmth loving plants in the Vancouver area. It keeps the ground cold and wet, inhibiting growth. A mulch is OK if it is applied after warm summer weather arrives.