I've scrolled through the responses and was wondering if anyone could tell me what I'm doing wrong.. my curly rope Hoya was happy... now it's not.. the leaves near the roots have dried out and died.. it's living in a north facing window( about 1.5 feet) away from the actual window) so it gets indirect light. I water it when it's dry until damp. It's in the plastic pot it came with- has drainage...
The newer leaves look ok, isn't that right? I would assume that the old ones didn't like sitting on the soil. Lift the pot after you water to see how heavy that is; make sure you're not watering when it still feels about that heavy. Other than that, if the growing tip still looks good and is still growing, and you don't lose more leaves that were not touching the soil, I wouldn't worry.
The roots may have died if the plant had been over-watered at some point. If that is the case the stems near the soil may be the first to decline in condition. Check them and also the condition of the roots, if possible. Any mushiness would be a bad sign. But even so, the plant can be saved by propagating the healthy portion.