First ever post Our cherry trees seemed to start out fine this year then the buds on the main part of the branches came to nothing.The one in the pic is an Hedelfingen while the other is a multi variety type, any ideas ? Thanks
Since there appear to be little nubs of partial growth rather than unopened, completely dead buds - and there is a bird feeder right there...
This won't stop them. However, you may have to use netting to allow normal future development. With cherry trees you may have to use netting or cages to end up with enough fruit to make it worthwhile anyway. Sour cherries can be quite profuse, but sweet cherries tend to have many of them scattered or sprinkled along the branches. If you have birds coming every day and taking the ones that are starting to mature, you may end up with rather slim pickings.
Im not sure what the connection is with birds. They love cherries. They eat insects too. I would suspect your problem is under the ground in nematodes, thytopthera, bacterial canker, or winter-damaged nursery stock. Dig up a little corner and I am guessing the roots will be ugly. In any case hit the roots with a phosphorous drench in the early spring. If its canker, look for gummy wounds, you might have a chance with a vertical slash up the bottom of the truck which may stop a girdelling death. You will still have canker, but you could still have a healthy fruitful tree.
Hi all, I have the same question, and I didn't want to start a new thread. My cherry tree is in trouble and Google wasn't of much help identifying the culprit. Maybe somebody can point in the right direction? In the spring some branches started to dry out and closer to the trunk leaves are underdeveloped and wilted. Here are the photos attached. Any help will be much appreciated!
Check out Coryneum blight. It is common here on the west coast, but I don't know if it is prevalent in Ontario.