British Columbia: What's wrong with Blue Spruce?

Discussion in 'Outdoor Gardening in the Pacific Northwest' started by GreemThumb, Apr 27, 2014.

  1. GreemThumb

    GreemThumb New Member

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    BC, Canada
    I had this little tree in the container and on SE balcony for 2 years now. It was doing well but this spring myself and others noticed it wasn't looking it usual self.
    I'm not sure if it's a result of drying up in the winter although Vancouver winters are rather soggy, or something else - the browing branches on the bottom going all the way up.

    Someone suggested to shake the branches over the paper towel and see if it got any bugs, e.g. mites. I got some little green bugs on the paper as a result. I'm not sure if they are eating the tree and if so what can I do to help it?
    Do I need any incecticide and if so what would be the name to buy stuff locally, say, at Home Depot, Canadian Tire, Lowes?
    I also read it might be some fungus, if so - what do you suggest one would need to do next?

    I haven't fertilized the tree, that might be a drawback as well.....

    Any advice is much appreciated.

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  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    WA USA (Z8)
    Spruce aphids. Blue spruce here on the west side of the mountains get buggy and go bare inside all the time - I would never plant one for this reason.
  3. GreemThumb

    GreemThumb New Member

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    BC, Canada
    Hmmmm... Thanks!

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