41º, now that's a real cooker. Looks like we both picked the wrong time for the maples, but if they get through this heat, then they should get through just about anything. Good luck with yours.
Low 20s, sunshine and showers, in Somerset. I have a wide brimmed hat and sandals so I'm prepared for this sort of weather, normal service has been restored I'd say.
Your nice photograph looks like an antique Constable landscape painting All we need are some British cows and a young person resting under a tree Yes it is hot and smoke here — you know it’s smoke when you can (with uncovered eyes) look directly in to the sunrise. I wonder how particulate matter influences plant respiration (I know how it irritates my own breathing ) ——- It’s interesting to learn of weather I have been up to our impressive north many times and it is said the Inuit language has many dozens of words for “snow” —- I think to describe a particular condition or size or direction - I imagine since the industrial revolution and then circa 1930s in North America the transition from rural to urban/suburban, we have become separated from our daily “living in the present” (ie the cows are cold and wet and the barn water is frozen ... to “I am driving to the market to get bread, milk - and imported oranges!”
I had to double check that I had done my conversion correctly. We use the Fahrenheit system where I am at. Looks like two days of 41° this week, but it hasn’t been much cooler on the “cool” days. Your location is almost 7 hours directly due north of mine but we have more similar weather than those who are an hour west of me. They are enjoying nice mild temperatures on the other side of the mountain range.
Yes 104 is approx 40 Cashmere is so pretty - do they still make the Persian jelly candies there? (Aplets & Cotlets are hard to find these days in Canada) We are just north of Penticton straight up Hwy 97 - I would estimate easy 185 miles and 4 hours’ drive time Here is your weather official gov site National Weather Service And here is our official gov weather and some webcam pix at sunrise today Penticton, BC - 7 Day Forecast - Environment Canada The first three pix are this morning (Anarchist is just east of Oroville / Osoyoos border crossing) Thé vintage authentic sternwheeler paddle boat is called Sicamous and is a heritage museum in Penticton on Okangan Lake looking north The FOURTH photo is generally a normal day (an old pic from a few months ago) showing what we normally expect as visibility —- approx 10 miles distance up the lake. I hope you can stay cool and safe in beautiful WA State — we hope healthy people can come visit BC soon - we’ve missed our neighbors, friends and families fr south of 49th parallel.
Neighborhood dunes in the fog on this mornings walk... as well as a couple days ago showing our sandy soil
Thanks for the kind words @Georgia Strait . I’ve wanted to head up HWY 97 to Canada, but this COVID madness never seems to end. I had very young children before COVID so couldn’t make a long trip before. Aplets & Cotlets is still around, but it just sold a a global candy maker from Russia. They plan on keeping the factory open and continue to make the product. I’m not sure what varieties they are making right now though. Locals are relieved that it isn’t closing down. Our skies have cleared up a bit but it’s still early in fire season. With the hot weather and lack of rain, I bet I’ll have pictures like that to share soon. Glad to have joined this community. I’ve lurked for about a year and glad I finally decided to join.
@Worldly_Wrangler I think that’s great that you’ve made some posts Here is another thread I think you’d like - linked below We need a new garden tour on our “virtual route” so I hope you post some scenic vistas and also some closeups of your plantscape and hardscape - it’s fun to see the seasons change It’s a friendly, casual thread with lots of photos, augmented by some questions, and sharing ideas We like Latin names too :) Start here Virtual Garden Tour
It seems that the earlier forecast for rain this weekend was too optimistic after all. We aren't going to get wet at all. Because of the jet stream heading far north of us before it curls back down over the prairies, we aren't going to get any wind either to move the smoke out. That would be a blessing for the firefighters, as wind just fans the flames and the fires burn faster and hotter. Predicted high 37º today, so moderately warm, but I have noticed that the smoke seems to reduce the effect of the temperature quite noticeably. The smoke acts as a filter of sorts. Took this one late yesterday as the sun was heading down behind Crowfoot mountain. Is your local air brown like ours? I sure hope not. Apparently it is the worst air quality ever recorded in B.C.
I'm so sorry you won't see rain this weekend. It looks like we got it here on the coast instead . . . completely unpredicted but very, very welcome. My sprinkler system didn't come on this morning for some reason; maybe it knew rain was coming. My plans for a company picnic this afternoon have been scuttled but I couldn't care less. Let it rain!
Well now, maybe, just maybe, we might get a whole millimetre of rain tomorrow. At least that's the latest forecast. I don't think I'll hold my breath for that though. And today's high has been lowered from 37º to 34º. Definitely OK with that. But this smoke is something else. I wouldn't wish this filthy stuff on anyone. Its' only virtue is that it lowers the temperature. The shadows that it casts in the middle of the day are feeble at best. So now we wait to see if we get a shower or not tomorrow, fingers crossed.
hard to believe but my wife and I got soaked during our morning walk at the Vedder river ( chilliwack BC). First rain in 50 days?? Just delightful
Good morning Otto. Val is down in Chilliwack today and tomorrow, returning home Tuesday. Imagine all that rain after 50 days. Well, sad to say I have been outside for the past hour or so and I think I felt two raindrops. I don't think that qualifies as soaked! The radar does show clouds passing over, but 90% of it is to the west of us mainly in Kamloops. They really do need it there.
It rained early around 2AM last night! Everything looks refreshed. It was short, but after 1.5 months it was so nice!
Finally! Enough rain to get the driveway wet. Then it quit, but we may get more later on. I sure do hope so anyway. Kinda nice listening to sound of raindrops on the carport roof while I was working.
Things are not improving here at all. The fire over at Crazy Creek Gorge has gone from 65 Ha to 2,446 Ha, or just over 6,000 acres. I don't know if they are even trying to fight that one yet, as it is somewhat remote, access by forest service road only. Or by air of course. Today it appears that the air is no better than a week ago, as witness by this picture. But we have something new added to the mix today. This is flying debris from the fires, likely from the Crazy Creek fire, which has now blanketed everything here. This is on the back deck and stairs. We might go over to St.Ives tomorrow, providing that the service guy who was supposed to finish fixing our heat pump over 3 months ago gets his act together. Val got back from the coast after her surgery on Tuesday. We couldn't figure out what all the little bits of white stuff were on the dash of the car. Now we know. Almost 10 p.m. here and it is still 27.8º, but it's the smoke and debris that does the damage. I didn't fare well in the heat and smoke while Val was gone, and #1 son has told me in no uncertain terms that I must use my canister mask every time I go outside. The trouble is that us old turkeys don't listen terribly well sometimes. But I will pay attention now with all this junk in the air. I have it hung on the front doorknob so I can't possibly miss it.
I have just been reading about the White Rock Lake wildfire, not all that far south of you. Terribly serious situation; I hope you stay safe where you are in Anglemont. And do wear that mask . . . our kids are sometimes right. Spurred by strong winds, aggressive fire at White Rock Lake jumps highway, burns homes
We all admire maple leaves that shade of red - but not the sky. The White Rock Lake fire, as seen from Ellison Provincial Park. As of Saturday afternoon, the fire burning 34 kilometres northwest of Vernon, B.C., was about 55 square kilometres and out of control. (Submitted by Alana Johannson) https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/brit...n-in-b-c-as-strong-winds-fan-flames-1.6133589
@Keith Elliott hey I’ve been offline for a bit. Did you get rain I got lots yesterday in the lower mainland. Keith if your looking for very tolerant green maples I have found my Rising sun to be very heat tolerant if in shade it will keep its glorious green but mines in direct sun so it’s like a burnt orange. My Ice dragon is also good but I’ve put it under a 40% UV reducing shade cloth. The rough bark Ara Kawa is also good but not currently as strong as the rising sun. The rough bark maple is extremely pot bound so I think it would be more tolerant if it were in a proper pot. Top pic is rough bark middle is ice dragon and bottom is rising sun
This morning in Penticton BC - approx one hour north of the Canada / USA border on Hwy 97 The rain!!!!! If one looks at the official highway cams on Drive BC, it is fairly wet all across the west to east route of Hwy 3 (Hope Princeton then Crowsnest route) The driest part - not surprisingly - is osoyoos and Anarchist Mtn just east of Osoyoos so it doesn’t really help calm N’kmip fire. Here is a Penticton webcam image this morning (the Sicamous antique paddlewwheeler on left hand side; looking north up Okanagan Lake.) Hère are thé very handy webcams on Hwy 3 DriveBC Southern Interior - Hwy 3 Cams (At the coast, blue sky brightness is scooting in from the west now)
I do hope it will help contain the fires. We saw on TV how Greenville, Cal. was wiped out of the map, but there are fires too around the Mediterranean sea, Turkey, Greece where France which is so far spared by massive fires has sent firemen, vehicles and planes. Siberia is burning too, and the consequances of the permafrost melting could worsen things faster, releasing methane and other greenhouse gases. I gave three of my maples to my son's girlfriend, all of them air-layers, so she would choose the one she liked best. She wanted one for her father's birthday. She kept one for her (the Acer buergerianum) and my son kept another one for him. I hope they'll keep them safe and healthy ;-) In the past weeks, we've had mild showers of rain and an occasional episode of heavy rain, but summer is getting back -they say ! We might go from 22-23 in the afternoon to 28°C : nothing to compare with the almost 40° we had last year.
Hi Lisa: Just returned from a trip to Salmon Arm for groceries. I couldn't believe how clear the air was once we got just 10 kms west of Anglemont. And all the way in to S.A. it was really good. Of course there's residual smoke still around everywhere, but we could see probably 20 kms without difficulty. By the time we got home around 12:30, the air here had cleared considerably as well, no doubt due to the steady light breeze we've had for the past few hours. Yes, we got some rain both on Friday and yesterday, but very little. Just caught the top end of the cloud formations that went across the Okanagan. As far as green maples go, after looking at every maple we could see between here and Celista, they are all of the red variety. So, I don't think it's practical to stick with any maples if they aren't red here. We also need to remember that these insane temperatures are going to become the norm in future which wouldn't be good for the green maples. I see by the middle and towards the end of the coming week that we are to expect 32º to 37º temperatures again. Considering that we still haven't reached the middle of August yet, this is just normal.
Hey Keith, yah the temps are bit wild. I took my parents to Clinton BC last week they hoped to purchase a home there, we had to drive through Lytton that was devastating. I read an article that identifies that some of the issues with the fires burning longer and larger than years before is due to incorrect trees being planted that are not near as fire resistant, among many other things I’m sure. Interesting theory. Apparently years ago the average fire burned for 6 days now it’s 7 weeks.
This might be a case of where we could learn from the Chinese, I know, I know an unpopular idea. But they plant swaths of deciduous trees among the evergreens and apparently that will stop most forest fires. I didn't know that until just a few weeks ago when I read it on the weather channel of all places.
That’s correct and we used to have many deciduous trees they make a great fire break but now we don’t plant them and from what I’ve read we also won’t allow them to grow, I’ll try to look for that article. It is very interesting.