that is a Dumbcane .. they are poisonus to pets and children if ingested enough .. but really cool plant.. Marn
Thanks everyone... I will research it tonight. Does that mean that my little little Dieffenbachia that I bought a couple months ago would be able to grow as big as this one in a few years?
If your little one is a Camille, it won't grow that big. They stay the size of bushy house plants... but very pretty.
As per my book at home, my big one is a Exotia and my little one, you are right, is a Camilla. Do you have some Dieffenbachia also?
Yes, I have a couple Camilles. They are pretty and seem to do well in my house. I'd love to have a big one like yours but I have a toddler and cat that are too curious. Have to keep my Camilles up high and out of reach.