I keep getting holes in my mulch. Now I see poop. I've never seen any pests except for a rabbit once. Can you identify by the holes or poop? I posted previously about poop droppings in my yard, but all the pics didn't post. 1st I just saw holes, but I didn't see poop because my mulch was dark. Now I see poop droppings with the red mulch. What could be leaving these holes/poop. The holes range in size from silver dollar size to the circumference of a coffee mug.
Re: Poop in my mulch The common one that ~buries it is the house cat. If that doesn't seem right and you are in or near a large tract of woods maybe it is a wild feline of some kind, like a bobcat - seem likely they'd do the same thing.
That poop looks like it was deposited by a racoon; they also dig holes in lawns and gardens. Ron B also mentioned cats in your other thread, but this poop doesn't look like the cat stuff.
I see that just dumped on top of the ground, but it is dark like this. It is to be avoided as racoons transmit dangerous parasitic worms.
Re: Poop in my mulch It doesn't look like cat's work at all. Most likely skunk, see http://con102.blogspot.ca/2012/11/skunk-diggings-and-droppings.html