Hi everyone, I love orchids but don't know how to take care of them. I fell really bad when some of my plants died. I think I know where to cut when the flowers are all dead, but I am not sure of what to do right so that they will come back. I water them every two weeks and when I do, I give them very little water in the center of the leaves. some people told me to water them in the same period but with a lot of water. which way is correct? Also, some of the leaves on some of the plants become soft and I don't know what this means. I also have some plants with dried out stems, but the leaves are still green and very healthy looking. What does this mean and are my plants dead? I've never seen the start of the new stem of an orchid, so I don't know how to distinguish the stem from the root. I know I have a lot to learn about these plants, but I love them and I would like to know how to properly take care of them. Can someone help me so that I can bring some of my orchids back to life? they are moth orchids. thank you so much.
There are so many types of orchids and one type has a different care compared to others. Vandas and dendros are the easiest to care (from my experience) and cattleyas and phaleanopsis a bit hard to maintain. Some will give flowers if placed in certain height. I do not think it is a good idea to water or place water at the center of the leaves especially on phaleanopsis because it will die. This plant hates water on its terminal bud! Ideally, these plants just get moisture thru its roots. Upload pictures of your orchids so that we can identify it and know how to care for it.
I like to recommend that you join a local orchid society in or near your area. Here is the link to one: maybe someone at this link can direct you to meetings near you?? http://penorchidsoc.org/meetings.html