Having successfully killed several plants i thought i would request assistance in choosing my next victim. In the nothwest corner of my living room is a dark corner in which i would like to have a large plant. there is a small window at 6 feet from the floor and a large bay window 4 feet to the east (window faces north). The picture i am trying to paint is of an area that gets no direct sunlight and less than average light at any time during the day. Now i need a large plant to fill this corner of the room. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Corn plant (Dracaena fragrans) will do fine there. They are a very good low light plant. Another option is a Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata). It's not that tall, but if you set it up on a small table it should work quite well. M.
I agree with the corn plant. I have one that is 12' from a window and the only light it gets is from an energy conserving fluorescent that's on for 12 hours a day. It's been thriving in that location for 2 years now. Newt
I may be way off base, but I would like to suggest a Syngonium sp. (aka an arrow head, aka white butterfly. I have one that I placed next to my entertainment stand. It got next to no light natural or other wise. I am new to raising plant and untill I recived the some of the plants from my grandmothers funerall every plant I have tried before has died. I don't really know what I am doing diffrent now but all of my plant seem to be thriving. Pardon the christmas tree in the last photo. I took that picture so you could see where the plant usualy sits. As for now I am really enjoying learning about my plants I have only had them for about 6 months. That is literaly 4 times the size it was when I got it.
Thanks for all the interesting suggestions so far. The corn plant comes the closest to my idea of what will look nice in the corner. The other suggestions look to be too small. The corner is quite dark and the plant will hopefully sit on the floor behind a corner coffee table; thus the requirement for height. I am still concerned about the lacik of light that the plant will receive sitting about 5 feet from the north facing window. Does anyone gave any further ideas?
I would stick with the Corn plant. I have had one growing in a similiar situation to yours for 14 years. It has been in the same location and ,in fact, in the same pot for all that time. It is now approximately 10 feet tall.
May I suggest Sago palm (Cycas revoluta) or, if you want something more of a conversation piece, a more rare Dioon spinulosum. Both these plants can get quite large but are very tolerant of low light levels and dry indoor conditions. They are stunning plants, very distinctive looking, not your ordinary parlour palm. Many other cycads make good house plants, also. For photos and cultivation information see my Web site, listed below.
draceana dermensis ( janet craig ) is a good choice large green leaves and grows to aroudn 10 feet tops indoors.