For all you Northwest gardeners, I just thought I would check in to see what veggies are growing in your garden right now, at the beginning of February. Are you starting any seedlings? Direct planting anything? Still have some veggies overwintering? I've got some beets in a container on my patio that I'm really not 100% sure are actually producing beet roots. My garlic is slowly pushing up some leaves and I have one kale plant that survived an animal attack. That's about it... but my green thumbs are itching and I'm considering planting some baby bok choy or peas pretty soon. Just want to see what others are doing!
This winter has been milder than usual; so some of these vegetables might not survive a normal winter: arugula broccoli (purple sprouting and some summer varieties that normally don't survive) brussels sprouts cauliflower (overwintering types) collards kale leeks spinach. All of these are growing outside, unprotected.
vitog: Wow, that's quite a bit! I also have a gai lan plant (like sprouting broccoli) that overwintered, but it was my first time growing this year and didn't realize that I should really have several more plants. It is in a planter right beside the outside wall, and has done really well through the cold. The only time I moved it undercover was the week we had snow. viking46: That sounds like good timing. I just prepared some containers for my peas and bok choy today and will likely plant at the same time as you, but I got antsy and threw some chard and spinach seeds in another container just to see what would happen!
Well, I currently have some chard, onions and overwintering cauliflower and broccoli. This past weekend I started some gai lan, bok choy and sweet peas under a light and on a heating pad. I think direct sow would be fine for these,but since I just got the light I thought I would use it. My hope is the mild weather stays and I get a little head start by planting the seedlings. I agree with the posts before me by the middle to the end of the month I'll be direct sowing lettuce, spinach and peas. Let the season begin!
Good luck with the transplants Fine Ocean Parker! I'm glad to see that you have onions started... I have only started scallions indoors, so hopefully they transplant ok this weekend. Happy planting!
We've enjoyed excellent beets left in the ground this winter. Just bought fresh spinach seed to sow soon. May start lettuces too. Popweed/bitter cress/cardamine is thriving, so we've been madly weeding.
Yes, sowing peas on the weekend, Oregon Sugar Pod. I am planting in a hanging basket beside the house so it is a bit warmer and protected. They did well last year during our super long and rainy spring. I'll also be sowing bok choy, radishes, and swiss chard.
My peas are starting to germinate, and my Radishes I sowed around the first weekend of February are germinating and rooting also. I will plant Spinach this week some time, as well as a bunch of other main Spring crops.
Seeds have been in the ground for 10 days. No action with my peas yet, but last year they took around 18 days to germinate, and I sowed them 4.5 weeks earlier this year! The bok choy and spinach also have not come up yet. However, I had thrown some spinach and chard seeds into a different container in mid-January that has had a row cover over it, and they are starting to pop up!
Wow! It's taken three weeks but there is life in the container garden! Peas, spinach, volunteer scallions, Swiss chard, radishes, and even a few baby bok choy (though I may have to re-sow) are starting to sprout! I had also ordered some blue-podded Capucijner heirloom pea seeds and popped them in the hanging basket today (had to play musical pots and move some of the Oregon Sugar Pod to another container) --- so I'll see how those fare as trailing rather than trellised vines!