Identification: What type of Vine/Plant is this?

Discussion in 'Indoor and Greenhouse Plants' started by Styllz, Mar 5, 2013.

  1. Styllz

    Styllz New Member

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    Hi Everyone, I'm hoping that someone might be able to help me. I came across the forum and thought this might be the place for all my plant/gardening questions. Thanks in advance.

    I took this plant from my mother over three years ago when it was just about dead. It was one of 5 varying species in a single pot bought for her for a give. This is the only one that survived. It's been growing like wildfire and I've replanted it at least once since I took it over.

    It's segmented and never flowers, the leaves are long and almost purple on the bottom, with dark green on the top. If ever a segmented portion breaks from the rest of the vine (some of them are around three feet long), they easily re-root if placed in the soil and continue to grown producing new vines of their own.

    I'm trying to find out why type of plant/vine this is, and how best to care for it, now that it's getting very very long and plentiful. Any help would be appreciated.

    I've attached an image of the plant.

    Attached Files:

  2. saltcedar

    saltcedar Rising Contributor 10 Years

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    Austin, Tx
  3. Styllz

    Styllz New Member

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    Hi Saltcedar. Thanks for your response. I looked at the species you suggested and Tradescantia pallida looks to be the closest match to me. I then read the information at the following link and it seemed like an exact match. I guess if it's not getting enough sunlight to flower, I'll have to find another location for it. Right now it's in front of a window (seen in the photo) but maybe that window doesn't get enough sun during the day for flowering.

    Thanks again.

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