This Plant has leaves that are about 2 feet long and 2 inches wide that come to a point. The first time in about seven years it has shoot up a stem from the base of the plant. this stem has no leaves on it and appears to be hollow. This stem shoot up somewhere in the middle of March 2014. It had blossoms on the top and now, April 14,2014, one flower has opened up and is white in color with a few red lines on some pedals and there are 6 pedals with stamens that come to the end of the flower. The flower is 4" long and about 3" wide. Also, the flower is on a stem that came out of the main stem that shoot up 2 1/2 feet. The main stem is about 1" Diameter at the base. Anyone who can help to identify this plant would be much appreciated. Thank you for taking time in considering my quest.