This is a most unusual shaped maple tree. I would love to know which maple it is. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
An upright form of sugar maple. If not part of a planting of several with the same habit then maybe a random, unselected seedling.
This tree is one of two on my street. At my previous address in another city there were two of these in the park near our residence. It's almost poplar in shape but the leaf tells me it's a maple. Sugar maple? I find that a little difficult to believe. I went to a sugaring-off last spring and none of the trees looked like this. Come to think of it, the leaves were not yet out so maybe?
Drove by a generally similar Norway maple cultivar in a local planting yesterday. But the one in your pictures appears to have the slender branches and tail-like leaf tips of sugar maple. Although the leaf outline does have the squarishness of Norway maple...