I have a part of my lawn where the moss has taken over and rather than fight it I've been wondering whether there are some other plants that might grow well here. What should I plant? Thanks!
In the mossy areas in our yard, the early bulbs and wild flowers do well, especially if one does not need to mow the stray grass for a while. Depending on the height of the plants, you might consider low lying ground covers like creeping flox, violets or sedum. Slightly higher ones could be sweet woodruff,carpet bellflower campanula or perrenial candytuft. I have epimedium in an area of dry shade that has nice year round interest.
Spring: The tiny grape hyacinth (Muscari) Blue bell - wood hyacinth Hyacinth - lilliaceae Dwarf daffodills summer: Violas - may colors in small sizes Agree w/ Mort on the rest.
Plant blueberry plants. They love the acidic soil, have flowers in the spring, delicious berries in the summer, and fairly reliable fall colour.
I think all the suggestions are good ones, but based on personal experience, I recommend that you stick with the slightly taller plants / groundcovers. I have a rock garden that borders a very mossy lawn and I grow the typical rockery plants there. However, some of my low growers (like creeping phlox) get overrun by moss year after year. The moss smothers them quickly.
Thanks for that reminder - I was thinking of groundcover but I definitely don't want the moss to cover it!