I planted all of my new maples this summer except for a Red Pygmy in a 3 gallon plastic pot. I didn't get around to clearing out the spot in the yard where it will go. Should I bring the plant inside for the winter or is there something I should do with it outside?
It depends on your climate. If fairly mild, it will be ok outside in a pot. If harsh, with lows below 20F, bring it in to an unheated garage or cellar or outbuilding after it has dropped its leaves. Don't bring it in to a house or anywhere else that is heated.
Bub, I'm not sure how close you are to the coast there in Virginia, so not so sure how cold it gets. But I'd be more concerned with early spouting of leaves if you put it in a shed. You know how we can get a warm spell in the winter, right? Then it's freezing again the next week. If you dig a hole and plant the pot into the ground, your tree will stay nice and cold all winter long and not wake up until it's time. I put all of my potted maples in the ground, avoiding the south side of the house where it's apt to be warmer. Also keep the tree away from taller trees and possible falling branches due to an ice storm or heavy wet snows. How tall is the tree? If it's a small one (say 2 ft.) and you have rabbits, you will want to protect the trunk so they can't nibble it to a nub. Are you starting to see any fall colors yet? Kevin in KC GO ROYALS!!
I live in the far western part of the state. I'm in the mountains so "warm spells" in the dead of winter are rare. I have a place where I can bury the pot and cover with mulch. It is a small tree, almost 3 ft tall, so I will put a tomato cage around it to protect it. The deer got most of the leaves on my small Shishigashira so I've already had issues with the critters this year. Thanks for the advice everyone!