Hi all you knowledgable people out there! (1) When should I spray my Victoria Plum Tree? (2) What spray should I use? (3) Thanks for any help on this matter! Bestest to all, KEN.
Sorry, I should have said! We had a Victoria plum tree on one side of the garden, and it developed a pink type fungus that seemed to have spread from a neighbours dying peach tree, which subsequently died! Suffice to say, it finished off our plum tree as well. We cut ours down, and burned every bit of it! We have planted another Victoria Plum tree on the other far side of the garden last year, it seems to be doing quite well, but I would like to spray it with the relevant substance to prevent a re-occurrence of the afore mentioned fungus! Thanks for your earlier reply! KEN.
Need to find out what the pink fungus was and if something would be likely to be needed done to keep it off the new tree. Local gardening resources such as RHS or maybe Agriculture Ministry are probably your best bet.
It's O.K Ron . B, have identified said fungus, and also the spray to use on it! Such are the wonders of the Internet! It was identified as Peach leaf curl! Use ferbam, chlorothalonil (Daconil), Bordeaux, or liquid lime sulfur Ken. These diseases cannot be controlled once the leaves have started to expand Ken. Bestest, KEN.
Spray just as stems buds begin to open in late winter. The fungus gets in the buds when they open, so you have to spray at that time. This is a critical point.
THANKS RON, Thats virtually what the other guys said! One or two even suggested spraying twice, once when all the leaves have fallen, and as you say, late winter before the buds open! Bestest, KEN.
I might add that the fall treatment is very crucial. Some winters may be mild and sunny, buds can often loosen allowing the fungus to enter into the bud. This will render your spring treatment as useless. Your spring treatment should be secondary to the fall treatment and considered as a back up. Copper is very effective as a fall control for overwintering fungus, Lime/Sulphur in late winter. Fall Copper spraying on most all trees and shrubs really enhances the health of your plant material. Jim.
Thanks for the extra info Jimweed, it's the inside track info like yours that makes all the difference! Many thanks Jim, Bestest, KEN.