Hi Friends, I have never seen this happen before on an Anthurium inflorescences'. If you know, please tell me what's going on here. Thanks, Windy
EEEEKKK ! Aliens .. watch out for Predator he may be coming .. I have seen many mutated infloresences .. this is tame compared to some .. got a hand shaped spadix on a Anth.purpureospathum . double spathes .
Hey Ed! Good to hear from you. Me neither, that's why I thought I would share. In person, it looks like upside down claws. So far it has not produced any berries, just these 'things'. This plant has produced another spathe, and again with the same abnormality. Well, let's see if anyone out there can solve this mistery! Windy
Hey Tricus, I've seen the devil's pitchfork as a spadix before and other freak shapes, but these are kind of different. Crymanee, maybe they are the claws of something trying to get out!!!! Ha-ha, now I'm afraid to go into the greenhouse! Do you think it's safe? Windy
Windy, is this possibly mutant oversized female flowers? Do you have a micro lens you can really magnify the "things"?
I did it for you digitally. I sent it to Tom to see what he had to say. When you click on it, then click on it again!
Windy, I've received no reponse! Would you post the photo on Aroid l and see if anyone can tell us? I am very curious and want to know what is happening here!