One of my customers would like to know. This plant pictured is approx. 3 ft. in height at present. A described succulent with rather sharp tips.
VegasPlantGuy, can you post a close-up? The picture does not reveal enough detail about leaf structure and without a flower it is next to impossible to make a positive id. I'm not sure it is a Sansevieria
attempting to gain clarity Thanks for the input guys ! I mentioned to the customer that it looked like Mother in laws tongue, they said no - the leaves to too thick. I've requested a better photo, and more extensive descriptions. I'll post as soon as I get. Thanks again ! Frank da plant guy
Doug, see here, here and here for Sansevieria pearsonii; see here, here, here and here for S. cylindrica. Image attached is a 3x magnification of the one above. I'm still not convinced it is a Sansevieria.
I got either Sansevieria pearsonii or Cylindrica But I give up on which it is, any ideas? Also any information on propagating would be appreciated. Whatever it is, it is a tough plant!
Re: I got either Sansevieria pearsonii or Cylindrica I think after looking at your photos it is pretty safe to say you have Sansevieria cylindrica. Propagation is easiest done by dividing the rhizome type root system. Done during warmer months plants will readily grow with little attention. Water when dry to prevent rotting rhizome until plant has established root system. I do believe Sansevieria can also be propagated by leaf cuttings, where a section of the leaf is wedged into a sandy propagating mix. I'm not sure if this possible for all varieties but if you do try be sure to keep pieces in the correct upright position after cutting. Hope that helps! S.S