What root stock to use.

Discussion in 'Fruit and Nut Trees' started by Dishman, May 2, 2006.

  1. Dishman

    Dishman Member

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    Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
    Let me introduce you to my personnal project.
    I have built a solar heated geodesic greenhouse.
    You can visit at http://web.mac.com/langloislouis
    French only, plenty of photos.

    The idea is to plant fruit trees in there. The zone is like 7 or 8 in the greenhouse. I am in Province of Quebec, Eastern Township. Lat. 45.5 Lon. 71.5

    At first I tought planting espalier trees side by side. I had planned to fit 7 trees in.
    The half sphere has a 12 foot radius.
    Then I tought that all those trees make probably too much roots for such a small space. It is nice to use the maximun of open space but that does not open the ground below. (What do you think, Professor?)

    Then I came across an article about a Chilian agronimist who got lots of varieties of trees on the same root stock. His name : Luis Carrasco the tutti frutti project.

    So, my question is : what root stock or what mother tree could I use to graft as many as possible of the plum family. (In my dreams I see cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, and plums.)

    Thank you friends:)

    P.S. It is now night time and 8? outside and still a nice 16? in the greehouse. The water in the heat storage is around 17?. (Heat storage is 1200 gallons of water in 45 gallon drums. In the morning, the temp. in the greenhouse will be around 15?.)
  2. Daniel Mosquin

    Daniel Mosquin Paragon of Plants UBC Botanical Garden Forums Administrator Forums Moderator 10 Years

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    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
    (At the request of the original poster, *bump*)
  3. Raakel

    Raakel Active Member

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    North Vancouver

    Here is a link for an OMAFRA (Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs) website which recommends rootstocks for growing plums. I found that Luis Carrasco did use a plum rootstock, however, I could not find the details as to which one. Good luck with the project. I have sent an email to a fruit specialist to see if I can find any other recommendations.


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