Hi: I purchased some kind of succulent this summer and am stumped as to what it could be. I will try to post some pictures tomorrow, but thought I could send in a description for now. Maybe some succulent expert might have some ideas for a site with pictures I could visit. Anyway, it looks very much like a small jade plant. It stand about 8 inches tall, and has the same growth habit and shape of leaves (perhaps a bit pointier and more curved). The other differences I can see is that the leaves are a light apple green color (even in full sunlight), and are alternate, not opposite as in jades. Also the leaves are not quite as thick as jades (but are still thick), and when they fall off, they shrivel up quite small almost immediately. Jades usually turn yellow, but stay nice and fat for a while before they shrivel up. Everyone who sees it says that they like my jade, so that that tells you how alike they are. This plant seems to grow faster than jades, but I wouldn't call it a fast grower though. Well, I would sure welcome some ideas if anyone has a clue.
Lol... I KNOW how frustrating it is not being able to post a pic for ID. Especially since there are probably a dozen people here who could ID your plant in a second. http://www.desert-tropicals.com has lots of pictures. I would normally have pointed you towards Crassula, but the alternate leaves sort of eliminate it as an option.
it may be another type of crassula, i have one that has smaller curled leaves that has the same habit of the jade tree. its crassula portulacea.