I have this plant I bought of a lady that comes around where I work selling used office plants in florida. I got several different kinds from her and all but this one are doing well. I remember she said it doesn't like light very much and does well in shade however most areas of my house are pretty light. I atleast put it off to the side so it's not in front of a window. I also don't remember how much she said to water it or what it was called. Now it's dieing on me. The leaves are green and yellow some look green and white some are solid green (when it's healthy) now most of the leaves are turning completely yellow and brown and dieing. Can someone help? What kind is it and how should I be caring for it? Thanks!
HI Mary .. that is called a a Tropical Dragon .. and it does like like and .. put it somewere were it is gettin morning sun and they like to b misted ..they r a tropical plant.. so they like the humidity.. and dont let it dry out bewtween waterings .. it will do fine .. it also sends up new shoots in the dirt it will get big but they r a really nice plant .. and they r not poisonous to cats either .. i know that for a fact as my cat chewed mined right down and it is now growing back .. u can search it on the net for more info if u want good luck with it Marn
Thanks for the info, in that case I will move it to my lanai where there's plenty of humidity. I tried to look it up and can't find at all on google would it be under another name maybe?
HI Mary wow ya used to b able to type in Tropical dragon and get that plant .. lol.. i couldnt remember the botanical name of it it is a wierd one and i wouldnt even want to try and pronounce it ..lol.. but i found it . here is a link to it .. http://www.desert-tropicals.com/Plants/Marantaceae/Ctenanthe_pilosa.html this is the botanical name .. Ctenanthe pilosa.. now ya know why i couldnt remember it or even want to try and pronounce it ..lol.. Marn
Thanks for the help! That is a strange name. lol I don't know how plant people remember all those long ones. :)
LOL.. i know .. i can pronounce the last name of it ...but thats about it .. :) .. why dont they just stick with common names . makes life alot easier ..lol. YW with the help .. i really like that plant it is really kool looking .. Marn
We grow alot of the ctenanthes...and I love that particular one. It likes shade here, with bright indirect light, and lots of water. Plant in VERY loose soil (lots of cinders, and orchid bark) that drains really quickly. When a branch goes UP and forms another "fan" like arrangement, you can cut that "fan" off and replant. They root easily.
OH...and like most tropicals, they HATE flouride and chlorine...that is what could be killing it. Save your rain water...or use bottled water.
good Idea, when we finally get some rain I'll save some, till then I get distilled or would I just get spring water?
u can let your water sit out over night and it will b ok .. ive always watered mine with reg tap water i never let it sit .. but the main thing is misting it .. they love it .. Marn
My wife just came home with a specimen of Ctenanthe pilosa. The variegation is quite striking. Cheers, LPN.
Thanks Ed. This one's just home from the garden center so perhaps it's a bit rambunctious and with our 28c - 30c weather. For those unsure of it's botanical pronounciation Ctenathe pilosa, here it is phonetically ~ (a rare silent 'C') ten-ANTH-ee PY-lo-sa Cheers, LPN (Barrie)