Hi everyone, I am still trying to learn as much as I can about JM's. As of now, I really don't have any sort of maintenance schedule and was wondering... do you and what? I bought phyton 27, but due to timing I have yet to use it. I do plan to do a soil drench in the fall. Looking forward to your posts! Thank you in advance, Andrea
I use the phyton 27 as well, but I use it as a spray; 2 applications, about 2 weeks apart, in spring when the buds are swollen but not yet opened. I also use it during the growing season if I see a plant with fungal or bacterial issues. Typically I haven't had issues with bugs, so I don't usually use any horticultural oils, etc, in early spring. I do use Myke (or any other mycorrhizae product) when potting or planting to assist the root development, and do the initial watering/soak with Superthrive, Boomerang and Kangaroots (the latter two are Fox Farm products).