I am not sure what type of maple I have. It is one where the bark peals. The bark on the trunk is showing green mildew type. I am not sure if it is a disease. Can I do anything for it. I havn't even seen any leaves bloom yet. Should I take it out of the pot and see if the roots are rotting? I am so worried. I don't want to see it die.... Thanks, Dawn
Hi Dawn From the description you give, it sounds like you could have Acer Griseum. I have the same 'problem' with my Griseum. Mine was kept in a pot for 2 years and developed a sort of green mildew. I worried about this to the extent of taking a sponge kitchen scourer to the branches and I must say this worked! but so painstaking!! so I gave up in the end. Last year I planted Griseum in the ground and , guess what! it still has the green mildew. It appears not to be detrimental to the health of the plant, only to the appearance. My only advice is to get the scourer out. (Larger trees do not seem to have this condition) About leafing out - my Griseum looks dead until the middle of May. It looks like all the buds are black and dead but all of a sudden it bursts into life - don't worry!