hello plant lovers! I just started an office job and this lovely guy is next to my desk but in poor shape. Please help me figure out what it is and how to revive it?
Looks like a pony tail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) in very rough shape. It could probably use a bit of fertilizer and plenty of light to recover. Here is an article on how to care for pony tail palms: Ponytail Palms
Thanks so much! I have trimmed off the dead bits that show no signs of life and heavily soaked the soil. I will move it to the sunshine and see if it progresses! I’ll have to post photos in a month or so ☺️
Careful if you move it from shade to sun, plants can suffer sunburn. Acclimate it slowly. Here is a site with some tips on acclimating plants to sunlight: How to Move a Plant From Artificial Light to Sun Light