Hello, I recently purchased this plant at a Lowe's hardware store, but the tag it came with generically states it's "tropical foliage-medium light". Any help in identifying it would be appreciated. The plant is about 35cm tall. The leaves are monocot-like and are about 20cm in length. There is a woody (almost segmented appearing) stem about 2cm in diameter. The leaves are attached to 3-4 branches that sprout off of the main stem. Thanks
it could be a Corn plant or a Yucca plant .. a lil hard to tell from the pic .. but you can google either plant.. good luck Marn
Thanks. I have already done some Googling and have a notion that it is a Dracaena of some kind. Most closely I think it resembles a marginata variant (it has no red, yellow, etc.. streaked in the leaves, the leaves are only about 1.5 cm wide). Draceana fragans (corn plant) has a much thicker trunk, and broad yellow streaked leaves.