My houseplant is about 4' tall; the largest leaves are about 1' long. It grows rapidly. The leaves appear one at a time as spears that unroll; each leaf is attached to the main trunk by a stem, and the main trunk does not branch (in my specimen, anyways). The leaves form at the apex. I have been told variously that it is an Aglaonema or a Dieffenbachia, but when I looked under those names I didn't find any photo that matched my plant. I have also been told that it's a Chinese evergreen, but that seems to be a rather broad category. Thanks in advance for any help.
I forgot to mention that my plant (whatever it is) bent over completely one day; I straightened it up and put the pot next to a wall to hold it up. Should I install a stick to tie it to, or prune it down so it's not so spindly? Or perhaps it needs better growing conditions to make it stand up on its own. It is right next to an east-facing window.
Thanks togata57. I found some images of plants of genus Dieffenbachia, and the images that most closely resembled my plant were of D. maculata. Much obliged.
Below, link to information on Dieffenbachia. Good general advice on culture. Recommend this entire site: fascinating and densely packed with valuable aroid knowledge! seguine pc.html