Hi I just bought this plant for my new apartment from the grocery store and was wondering if anyone knew what it is called? Also does anyone know the best way to take care of it? We are also looking for another indoor plant does anyone have any suggestions for a cool looking plant that is low maintenance? http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a63/glacio/1c091a0b.jpg
Looks like Dracaena marginata, Madagascar Dragon Tree. A description of the environment in which the plant is to be placed would be helpful in soliciting suggestions. (e.g. How much light will be available?)
Agreed with Dracaena marginata. As for suggestions for additional plants, I wrote this post for my blog a while back: List: Easy, Attractive Houseplants for Beginners. Keep in mind that opinions will differ about what "easy" and "attractive" mean.