I just bought this plant, and didn't think about finding out the name until I got home, can someone please help me identify this plant. Thank you.
I have been searching the web, and I came across this website. I believe this is the same plant that I have, but I'm not really sure. http://public.fotki.com/cactus/succulents/kalanchoe/ K. sexangularis I can't find any other information on this plant though, Does anyone know where I can find some info on this plant, i.e. care, propagation, and such.
I have that one too... give me a second because the nice folks here gave me an ID about 6 months back. I'll see if I can find it.
Tagalongs are bad. The first plant is Kalanchoe sexangularis. Its a true Kalanchoe not a Bryophyllum. There is more info on this website. Kalanchoe Pages The second is Aptenia 'Red Apple', a red flowered garden hybrid. Its grown as a ground cover in California.