A friend of mine in North Carolina gave me this plant last year. It was a cutting of a plant that he said was a "Star of Jerusalem" or something like that. It didn't grow much until this summer, when it started growing so quickly it actually tipped over it's pot. Now, this plant has started blooming with these giant (over 12-inches from point-to-point) flowers, and I'd really love to know what it is. (to be honest, I find the giant flower a little bit frightening, like something out of a horror movie...AudreyII anyone?) Thanks, MaryBeth
Thanks, that looks like exactly what it is (could explain why all these black flies suddenly invaded the kitchen), except that I haven't noticed any "rotten-meat" type aroma. Does anyone know if this odor is always present with the blooms? (It's too cold right now in MI to move the plant outside, so if it's going to smell like rotting meat, I'm taking a vacation!) Also, does anyone know how to subdivide this plant, or take cuttings from it? (Hmmm...should I tell the receiver of the cuttings what the blooms could smell like?) Thanks Again, MaryBeth
Hahahahahah! You made my day! That was a really funny post! I’m sorry I know nothing about your plant and I had no idea there are plants that smell like rotting meat!!!! O_o But it is so funny I just had to make a comment. I guess you need a lot of black flies to keep this beast alive. And . . . . I wouldn’t want to be the receiver of your cuttings hahah. Good luck with it :)
Most of the plants in the arum family also have similar smells. Some of the common names are Voodoo lily, skunk cabbage,.... get the idea? The largest flower in the world, raffelisa smells like rotting meat. pollinated by flies.