Hi, I am from Malaysia, and well, so is this plant...so think 'tropical. Does anyone have a clue what this is? I've been asking some nurseries here, and they don't seem to know either. Regards, Zhin.
it looks like a type of clarodendrum or glory bower. try researching that and see what you get, i have the purple and pink flowered variety in my home.
HI, Thanks for the reply. I think you're guess of it being a clerodendrum is quite right. The leaf definitely looks similar to other clerodendrums. I did an image search over google, but there isn't one that is close to the kind of flowers shown in the photo. One of the differences is it's a climber/creeper and hence the stems droop with the yellow flowers being at the ends of each tier (imagine an upside down clerodendrum paniculatum). The other unique part is that the young leaves are also yellow (so it's kind of hard to tell whether it's part of the flower or a leaf when they're small). The yellow leaves slowly turn green and glossy as they mature. Any more guesses anyone? Zhin.
Dear Tony, You're a champion mate. Finally, something I can call it by. Funny thing is the nursery I bought it form doesn't even know it's name. Fits the decription exactly. Mystery solved. Case closed. Many thanks, Zhin.