What is the sex of my kiwi plant?

Discussion in 'Fruit and Vegetable Gardening' started by Unregistered, Jun 4, 2004.

  1. I have recently been given a kiwi plant. I know that I will need another plant of the opposite sex to the one that I have received, but I do not know the sex of my plant. Can you please let me know as to how I could identify its sex. Thanks.

    Rubin M. Feldman.
    e-mail address - rfeldman@telus.net
  2. mr.shep

    mr.shep Well-Known Member 10 Years

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    San Joaquin Valley, California
    Hi Rubin:

    You asked a very tough question to answer. It used to be that
    I could tell a male from a female by the shape and coloring
    of the leaves. The males generally have a more vibrant green
    coloration. Now, with the advent of Kiwi crosses, hardy
    versus non-hardy, fuzzy versus smooth skin, that issue has
    become clouded for me with my being out of touch with this
    fruit for about 12 years. There was a variety in the nursery
    trade years ago that was self fertile, meaning it could produce
    fruit without a male counterpart but I will have to do some
    real digging to find the name of it.

    I have not been able to find an answer for you online either
    from a variety of sources. I always felt the size of the flowers
    on the males could tell me what I needed to know as far as the
    sex of the plant.

    Here are some URLs for you to look at. I think the only
    real way to know if your plant is a male or a female is to
    see it in bloom.





  3. Hi Rubin
    The Kiwi's I Have Are Actinidia Arguta About 8 Different Ones. Males Meader And 74-46. Tripple Brook Farm In Southampton Ma Has A Large Amount Of Different Plants. The Only Way I Can Tell The Difference Is By The Flowers. The Kiwi's I Have Are The Hardy Ones And There Are All Kinds Of Them.

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