Last year I had about 50 foxglove and they were glorious. This year I have one so far and I can't see any others growing. Could it have been the winter? Or the garden clean-up people? This has never happened before...... Please let me know if you have any answers..
Did you allow the Foxglove plants to drop seeds last year or some previous year? They are biennial plants that normally die after flowering the second year. They are quite hardy and shouldn't have been affected by the cold weather. We had Foxglove flowers blooming in the yard when we bought our property almost 50 years ago, and they still pop up as a weed every year, even though I have never allowed them to flower since then. Consider yourself lucky.
Yes I even shook the plants when the seeds were ripe. I am wondering if this is the 2nd year and perhaps they died for that reason. I also wonder if the gardeners thought they were weeds. Would you know if foxgloves start growing by the very end of March? That is when the gardeners came. I know they are considered a weed but i love them and encourage them. Call me crazy but they were beautiful in my garden. Anyway, I hope they come back! Thank you for your response!
The Foxgloves that bloomed last year would have died that year. Their seeds should be producing small rosettes of round leaves now; these will develop into large clumps of elongated leaves through the summer but will not form stalks (and flowers) until next year. I think I pulled out a few small Foxglove seedlings stoday; they were still quite small. For blooms this year you need to have had flowering Foxgloves two years ago.
Thank you very much for this information! I will look for the small rosettes. Will they bloom next year? At least I know why I didn't get any blooms this year and it's not the gardeners fault....