Hello Everyone, I have two plants I can't seem to identify through internet searches, but that's probably largely because I'm not very familiar with plants in general. I really appreciate any help you can provide in identifying these two. The first is a plant I received as a gift and I love its beautiful flowers which only seem to come out about twice a year. I have attached two pictures. The second is a creature that is growing in my venus fly trap pot...it's translucent green, pointy and very wet. I'm not really sure what the heck it is and any information would be very much appreciated. I have attached the best photo of it that I could get. I hope it's clear enough. Thanks very much for your help! Marie
Number two is really quite awesome, and possibly a liverwort. You might try cross posting it to Fungus and Lichen ID - they probably know waaaay more than me. Second Streptocarpus for #1.
Hi Lila and Lorax, Thanks so much for your quick replies! I will try posting the second one on the Fungus and Lichen ID. I'm excited to hear what it might be. Take care, Marie