Our university horticulture center had a plant sale today. Most of the names have worn off the ID tags and I was wondering if anyone could help ID a few of my purchases. 1. Hanging Basket Plant. Velvety leaves. They said it was an oak leaf kalanchoe, but I can't find a picture that matches it. (tn Hanging Basket) 2. Small white flowers... bell shaped... nice fragrance... some writing on tag... looks like - EU Glossy Aleclia (tn Plant Sale 1 & 2) 2. Small white flowers... 4 petals... lots of stamen (tn Plant Sale 5 & 7) 4. Looks like a small rose. (tn Plant Sale 3 & 4) I've attached what pictures I could get with our crappy office camera. I can probably add more details if you have any questions. Thanks in advance!! Allison
While digging around in the hanging basket that I have been told is the kalanchoe, I found a tag that says "Cuban Borage Ivy". I can't even find anything on it online. Common names make everything so difficult at times!
1. Makes sense now. It really does look like a fuzzy swedish ivy. Looked up some of the plectranthus. Saw one that was called Cuban oregano or Indian Borage. Looks like their is some discussion of P. amboinicus vs. P. aromaticus. 2. ABELIA! Yes, that is what the writing says! THANK YOU! Hmm... wonder how it would work growing it in a pot the rest of the season and then chunking it if need be? I only paid 50 cents for it, but I don't have a spot to put it outside. I do have plenty of space on a window ledge, though. 3. I figured out 3. Autumn Clematis... C. terniflora... Wondering if I can do the same thing as I mentioned with the abelia. 4. LOL @ small Rosa.