hello, me and my girlfriend bought a grafted Weeping Willow Tree. and i was wonder if anyone has one and knows' how big they get. this is the supplier http://www.thearbory.ca/Site/HOME.html how big will they grow?
Not very big - not significantly taller than the height of the graft point, as all the shoots grow downwards, like a mop-head.
Believe it or not, a branch that starts out six feet up a redwood or other tree stays six feet up the tree. Trunks only grow thicker. Vertical growth occurs from the buds at the tips of branches.
You could try selecting a shoot from near the center of the mop and tying it to a firm stake, training it to grow vertically. This could be used to produce a more elevated crown. If any naturally vertical shoots ever come out of the rootstock, prune these out as otherwise you will end up with the roots (including existing vertical trunk) making their own new top, interfering with the weeping form grafted above them.
OK thanks Ron! for the useful information the strain of the weeping willow is Salix caprea pendula and Ive read that they grow up to 3meters, so 9.8' Tall! everyone else say the trunk will only grow thicker. iunno i guess ill wait and see and post a picture of it. now and then in a few years post another and take measurements to confirm if who's right n wrong.! But i do agree with you! if it wont grow i can train a branch upwards. so I'm not going to forget that.
The weeping mop head will gain minimal height on its own by mounding up on itself, but the straight trunk upon which it is perched will definitely never stretch out. You will be waiting forever to see that grow longer.
Older plants that were grafted higher in the first place. Taller initial height + plenty of time to mound up above the point of grafting.