I have a Weeping Pussy Willow tree that is not doing well. It's 2 years old and up till now was flourishing. It started to bud, then being from Alberta we had a sudden cold snap and I think my poor tree is dead. No leaves and is dark red in color. It may have frozen . Just wondering if there is anything I can do to save it. Pictures attached
I think it's a goner. You can leave it until next spring if you like, but willows are usually so vigorous, I would have expected some recovery by now. It looks like it may be grafted -- if there is new growth sometime in the next 10 months, it is likely to come from the roots, but the willow you get from that won't be the weeping type. I'd probably put something else in that place that I can start enjoying now instead of waiting.
That's kind of what I thought, so sad. Crazy Alberta weather!!! I may just wait the season out and see. I'll replace next spring if I can't save the poor baby. Thanks so much for commenting
It looks like the root stock is sprouting at the soil level - which if it is a grafted tree, won’t be a weeping pussy willow I wonder if the nursery shop where this was purchased has a Warantee program - I realize nobody controls weather (if that is the cause) but it’s worth enquiring
Yes I have checked if it still would be under warranty, it's not. So before I call it I want to try and save the poor thing.