Weeping Japanese Maple

Discussion in 'Maples' started by TsawwassenG Gardener, May 19, 2024.

  1. TsawwassenG Gardener

    TsawwassenG Gardener New Member

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    Hello Everyone, I have 3 ‘weeping’ Japanese Maples in my yard. 2 out of the three are very healthy. However, 1 is only growing new leaves/branches from the base of the tree so it no longer fills out its nice ‘umbrella.’

    I want to replace this maple with a new one but am unsure of which variety I should buy. The three I have are no more than 4 feet in height and the ‘weep’ down to the ground forming a very nice canopy. Most I see at the local nurseries are the Maples that will grow to 6-8 feet and are more tree like. Is there are specific dwarf variety that only grows to 4 feet like I have? If so, what’s the name of it?
  2. Acerholic

    Acerholic Paragon of Plants Forums Moderator VCBF Cherry Scout Maple Society

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    Hampshire England Zone 8b UK
    Good morning @TsawwassenG Gardener and welcome to the maple forum
    If your looking for a nice red small dissectum then Acer palmatum 'Ever Red' is a very showy dwarf variety.
    Of course there are many out there to chose from and Crimson Queen or Orangeola spring to mind as good examples though they do grow a little larger than Ever Red'.
    I'm sure other members will have some great ideas for you. But this is a start.
    fatlever, AlainK and Otto Bjornson like this.
  3. Otto Bjornson

    Otto Bjornson Contributor

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    chilliwack BC, Canada (8b)
    You can really dictate the overall height just with selective pruning. I would say any of the dissectum varieties are suitable, just a matter of what leaf colour ( spring / fall) is your preference
  4. emery

    emery Renowned Contributor Maple Society 10 Years

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    Normandie, France
    Very true.

    Since the subject just came up (off-forum) may I point out the 'Ever Red' is a synonym for the old cultivar 'Dissectum Nigrum'.

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