I have a weeping cherry tree which is about 5 years old. Some of its branches are bare the entire length except for the very tips/ends of the branches, where a profusion of flowers are now growing. Last year this happened as well, and the branches remained bare (no leaves) along the lengths, but then had a lot of leaves and shoots at the very tips of the branch. Any idea what this is from or why no leaves/flowers grow along the length of the branches? Is this damage of some sort and should I be pruning these branches back? (I'm reluctant to do so, given the profusion of flowers I see at the tips). Thanks.
I have seen this in my previous residential garden/yard.... the trees were in full sun exposure, and had always dried out during the August months.... I had Hedera (Ivy) growing at the base... The health of my trees were in question too.... the soil was sandy, and drained too well... Thuja placatas (Western Red Cedars) were also over head. I blamed it on poor nutrition, acid soil, and drought....
Thanks for the reply. It could be both poor soil (since it is a newer subdivision and I believe they buried a lot of junk from the building process) and possibly I didn't get it watered enough during the summer last. What kind of fertilizer for this kind of tree would work best?
This may help... http://www.treehelp.com/trees/cherry/care.asp http://www.treehelp.com/itemdesc.asp?ic=TR-CHR-F