I am looking for a good fungicide to combat the "brown needles" falling off my Cedar in the springtime. We sprayed 3 times last spring with fung-onil and the "brown needles" are now back at about the same percentage as before. Have not tried the water treatment, but I have noticed that the lower branches do not seem to be affected. Those branches do get washed when the bed is being watered for other bushes. So, is there a definitive answer--water bath's or fungicide? We have had this beautiful tree for twelve years and would hate to lose it.
The fungi Sirococcus conigenus and Kabatina sp. have been associated with blighted needles of Altas (Cedrus atlantica) and Deodar (Cedrus deodara) cedars in both Oregon and Washington; however, Sirococcus is found most often. More of a problem in years with prolonged wet, cool springs http://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/cedar-cedrus-spp-needle-blight