It's interesting enough to keep around until it flowers, I think. Doesn't look like something I'd associate with being weedy in greenhouse situations.
Brilliant ID @RonB. Wouldn't it be interesting to know how it showed up in one OP's potted greenhouse plants? One website I looked at said that "Hairy crabweed is native to Asia; recently introduced and probably spreading in North America. EDIT: Just came upon this website that says "In North America, Fatoua villosa is (primarily found in anthropogenic habitats, including landscaping and suburban gardens, urban areas, and container nurseries." Hairy Crabweed (Fatoua villosa) -
Yikes! This plant popped up beside my papaya seedling that i grew from harvesting the seeds of a store bought papaya (imported from Hawaii). The soil i used for the papaya seedling is a mix of sea soil and regular store garden soil (VoilĂ brand). No idea where this crabweed came from. Greenhouse has mainly seedlings that i am trying to grow from self harvested tropical fruit seeds like jackfruits, mangosteens, mangos..., Thank you all your help for the ID.