Good day, I thought I would ask if anyone knows where I might purchase a particular type of watering hardware. I have installed a system in my small greenhouse. It has served well for 3 years now, but I need to increase watering coverage and wish to add more sprinkler heads. I bought it at Canadian Tire or Home depot, but they no longer carry it (will they get it back???). I have attached an image (I hope) and am looking for the same thing or something that will attach to the existing system and allow me to increase watering area. Not the best image but good enough to get idea across I am sure. Does anyone know where I might buy? Or perhaps the company name? Waz.
Thank you! This is a good option, I think, if I cannot find what i am looking for. Mine is on a much narrower hose. Perhaps 5/16" grey plastic hose. I imagine 2 of those from Lee Valley MAY cover my greenhouse area but I will have to take out the old and put in the new.
There are ones sold elsewhere that have multiple heads, giving more coverage. Also I noticed there are different ones for low and high pressure systems.