any ideas for water wise shade gardening in zone 3a? Preferably a taller (2-5) perennial with flowers to plant along the north foundation of a house.
I thought that fox gloves should not be allowed to dry out and require moist soil. Am I wrong in this?
your right about foxgloves they like moist soil,try instead Cranesbill (Geranium psilostemon ) Armenian cranesbill ht 24-36" drought tolerant,sun to partial shade.In a north side situation you should get early morning and some western sun in the p.m.Added advantage of all summer blooming.Good Luck.
I am still worried about it because of the proximity to the neighbors and the fence. Worth a try however.
Barrenwort, Epimedium spp., are excellent for dry shade. The most commonly available always seems to be E. x rubrum and it gets to about 2' tall, but there are many species in the genus, and so far all I've tried have been hardy here. Hostas are impossible to kill, and the larger varieties will suit your needs. Alchemilla mollis (and the other alchemilla species) are also good for dry shade. Corydalis lutea blooms throughout the summer and may just reach your height requirement, whatever it's based on. Chelidonium majus blooms throughout the summer and grows anywhere, as does Calamintha grandiflora.