Wanted indoors and outdoors. I would love to plant wiht my daughter anyone have any seeds please email me or plants. specialneedskids1@yahoo.com
You might want to try the seed swapping forums on GardenWeb. With so many tacky and obtrusive ads and a draconian privacy policy, the "free" version of Gardenweb has declined in recent years, but there are some very generous traders there who often do "freebies" for people with no seeds (yet) to swap.
One thing you can think about is saving seeds from produce that you purchase on a regular basis for eating. Here are some suggestions you can consider . . . . ** The seeds in any of the red, yellow or orange peppers can be planted and grown. The seeds of the green ones will not however, since there are immature peppers of one of the coloured variety. ** If you purchase any variety of winter squash (acorn, spaghetti, buttercup, pumpkin - when they are in season) you can plant these seeds too. ** Some other ideas that will cost you much less at a grocery store than from the garden shops are the variety of dried beans that are available in the bulk sections, these can be grown for plants or as sprouts. ** Orange seeds will often grow, although you may be disappointed if you try apple or pear. ** If as your email suggests, you have special needs children they may be intrigued by what happens when you place the cut end off the top of a carrot in a shallow dish of water. Leave it for a few days or weeks and you will see that the carrot piece will regrow the leafy foliage and even a few roots from the orange part as well !! Hope this info can be of some use to you and I hope your daughter enjoys the fun and anticipation of planting and growing her own little plants :o) Anne
Mary11, Try your local hardware and other such stores. Explain about your kids and some times they will give you a few packets free. Also, check and see if you have a local chapter of Master Gardeners. Ours here does a childrens garden and does just what you are doing. They may be able to help with a few seeds or maybe even seedlings. Anne58 is very correct about saving seeds from your vegetables. We always save squash and pumpkin seeds and just yesterday set aside to dry, seeds from red, yellow, and orange pepers. There is nothing quite like watching children "see" where their food comes from. I can remember moving from Seattle, WA to San Jose, Calif and my childrens reaction to the Orange tree in the back yard. They had only seen oranges on shelves at the grocer's, never in a tree. I had to explain they were grown the same way as our apples and pears in WA. Seeing the world thru a child's eyes helps us remember the many wonders of this world. Good luck....barb