Want Acuba with red berries not messy flowers

Discussion in 'Woody Plants' started by PinkieT, May 6, 2007.

  1. PinkieT

    PinkieT Member

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    I want to plant a new acuba in an area of dense shade in my back garden. When we bought the house 19 years ago there was one already there that continues to grow vigourously and produce bright red berries. A few years back I added another acuba thinking I would get the same thing. Unfortunetly the new acuba produces scraggley flower bracks and none of the red berries I so desired. Now I want to put in an additional acuba but only one the red berry variety( no flowers). How can I tell which acuba will produce the berries and which produces only the flowers?
  2. Ron B

    Ron B Paragon of Plants 10 Years

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    Berries are preceded by flowers. All aucuba have them. Apparently you have a female aucuba being pollinated by another aucuba in the vicinity or able to fruit on its own (self-fertile), and the one you added is a male.

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