I have just taken some cuttings from my great grandmother's wandering Jew, now I'm not so sure were to go from here on how to finish planting the plant without killing it. Please Help!!
I put the cuttings in a glass of water when I first cut them, but I don't know how long and what to look for to know when it is time to plant them?
trust me ya wont kill it ... it is a wandering jew... one of the easiest plants to start with ... if it aint rooted just stick it in a glass of water and put it in a window .. will take about 3 days to get roots ... (it will even root in dirt) .. once rooted stick it in the dirt and ya got your self a plant ... they are the easiest to take care of .. Marn
You could even bypass the glass of water and straight to the soil. I have what one would call a good crop here (ferral pest) leave even the tiniest bit in the soil and it takes off again. Liz
so exactly how long should I leave them in the water before planting in soil? anyone know? I know you said three days, but i've had them in for about a week, does that mean their no good or something?
Wait till it has a good collection of roots if you are doing it that way. They will be very fine and when transfered to soil keep nice and moist till they strengthen and then there should be no stopping it. It truely is a major weed here so in a pot plant situation it will think it has gone to heaven :) Liz
I have notheing to add all the advise is right on the money, My wife started her's in her hair shop from one stem and 5 years later, it filled the window it grows like a weed.
just make sure you have taken the last 2 or 3 leaves off the bottom of the stem .. that makes the roots come out easier .. you want the nodes exposed.. and make sure it is in a clear glass/jar .. not a dark color .. you should have no problems... Marn
Wandering jews will root in soil and water in a matter of days, like mentioned above, they do grow like weeds, maybe even faster! In water, you can let the roots get about about a half inch long or so and then pot them up in well draining soil. Water them in once and let the soil somewhat dry before giving it anymore. They grow, fast! fast!